Marc 5 is a wonderful chapter. You can set as a title above it: “Jesus Christ the solution for hopeless cases”. It tells about three different people:
a) a man who is possessed by the devil. People today would say: he is insane and untamable put him in a lunatic asylum (mental institution);
b) a woman that suffers from the consequences of sin that has come into this world. People would say: she is incurable put her in a home for incurably ill persons;
c) a child that has died. People would say: we can not re-animate her, put her in a grave.
Those would be our solutions, but the Lord has other solutions for people (be it men, woman or child) that are in the power of Satan, sin and death. He destroyed Satan (Heb. 2:14), put away sin (Heb. 9:26) and abolished death (2Tim.1:10).
The man was literally in the power of Satan and he is an illustration of us, sinners who are spiritually in his power (Acts. 26:18). The Lord set this man free and the result is that he was found (Marc.5:15):
-sitting which speaks of rest (see Matth. 11:28,29);
-clothed which says his nakedness was over, he was well dressed (see Gal.3:27)
-and in a right mind which says his thinking was enlightened ( see Titus. 3:13 contra Rom. 3:11).
What a wonderful savior Jesus is!